Telecoms saves the world... ;o)
Stage 1) we all agree that we'll all spend one day every week at home working instead of commuting 0.5-2 hours (each direction) every single working day
- immeadite and significant saviours in fuel & H2O prouduction in the most consuming areas
- significant increase in productivity since we could actually work instead of "working" in every hour is a meeting hour environment.
Stage 2) we all agree that we'll all spend 2 days every week at home working instead of commuting 0.5-2 hours (each direction) every single working day
- immeadite and very significant saviours in fuel & H2O prouduction in the most consuming areas
- very significant increase in productivity since we could actually work instead of "working" in evry hour is a meeting hour environment
Stage 3) we all agree that we'll all spend 3 days every week at home working instead of commuting 0.5-2 hours (each direction) every single working day
- immeadite and totally significant saviours in fuel & H2O prouduction in the most consuming areas
- totally significant increase in productivity since we could actually work instead of "working" in every hour is a meeting hour environment
I don't know what could be the stage 4 but I firmly believe that by utilising telecoms we could make stage 1-3 work and what should be great for all also increase productivity... Finland should/could be THE example and kick everybody's -ss ;O) here.
Hey - the kids would even see they parents during the weekdays !! Wouldn't it be great for the society if our kids would have their both parents welcoming them at home coming ?
KUITUA MAAHAN ! Instead of ever increasing road investments put that opitical cable to the ground and let the real broadband save the world...