Our mökki "of course" does not have an Internet connection (no fixed phoneline, no DSL, no Internet). I did take my laptop occasionally out mostly to download pictures from camera to PC. I used quite some effort to explain that laptop does not equal an Internet connection. It seems to be actually pretty difficult for the kids of today to understand that there can be such thing as a computer without Internet ?
Well anyway one evening I connected laptop to the net over my mobile phone (btw, Nokia's PC Suite totally rocks nowadays - very easy and reliable... real plug'n'play stuff) and the guys went immeaditly "HEY - you do have a net there !!!", " .... I need to read my IRC-Galleria comments! I haven't done it for an eternity..." (=a week), "I want to go Google!". IRC-Galleria needs I knew of but Go Google ?
I use basically google to search - Vili says he and his mates go to Google to "hang around and do stuff". Google is not a search engine anymore for today's kids but a place/site to hang around just like IRC-Galleria ?