> Vili's brilliant modern vision of the snowman...
Random thoughts and things which would be nice to remember ... documented mainly for myself
Monday, December 28, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Waiting ...
Actually very nice to be waiting for some new music …. Spotify has changed this part of life essentially – pretty much everything I have find, has been old stuff and thus available immediately without any waiting for finding/delivery through Spotify.
Mr. Prättälä is releasing his 3rd record, and sneak pre”view” for it is very promising – nice tickling feeling to know that I have it at home by Xmas. Hopefully.
http://www.myspace.com/organkane - “Hold me” and “Future History” … “Hold me” is especially a delight.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Xmas calender story...
Construction industry
> If you build something to be used by many and for
long (... and expect people to pay a _lot_ for it), why is it not done
properly - especially when it really not does not take much more "more"
than just a little bit of pride on what you do? Being an electrical
engineer (and actually having been designing eg at that time big multiMG
microchips in a team where everybody were personally committed to make
it right first time), I am pretty sure that if "construction industry"
and it's way of working would be responsible for producing eg
electronics, I would not be writing this email.... since we would no
working electronics in this world.
electricity bill due to totally stupid floor heating design, with 14.8C
next to windows - good work!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Sharing the experiences of the winter 1939 again...
Pasi pointed me to YLE’s nice idea of letting modern Finns remember The Winter War days again…
When you follow it in RSS reader you somehow get sort of into the mood better.
Saturday, December 05, 2009
Friday, December 04, 2009
Creating an eternal loop?
Just noticed that I can autopost to Blogger to the old blog … so I think I’m going to continue posting to tuomosthoughts.blogspot.com thru Posterous.
If I would import that blog to this blog would Internet collapse due ti the loop I’d be creating ;o) ? Friday….
I'm moving ....
I'm convinced now. This blog continues in http://tuomosthoughts.posterous.com/
Out of courtesy to good old Blogger no "advertising" why except that it will just work better for me from total usability point of view. Cheers!
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
A disgrace and another proof that we have externalized ourselves from realities
Just thinking how screwed we'd be with just few bad years... who could help in ending the tyrrany of money or rather bring in back the real life realities?
After 20 minutes and dining the doorbell rang and voila, there was the pizza delivery - Luckily I found some money since the delivery man would not probably been happy with 10 and 20 cents coins Valtteri had for the pizza...
Monday, November 30, 2009
Change for better/something different in the horizon?
Interesting times ahead if this is the future - wonder what happens to the US's capability to pay the huge debt deficit back sometime. Then again, hopefully this will a major mega trend in the whole world and maybe, just maybe we will survive here after all.
Locality and services as key driver for future growth!
Monday, September 28, 2009
US economy collapsing in 5-10y?
The amazing speed and depth of increasing federal US dept has been mind boggling... Marc Faber says US will collapse in 5-10y. Sort of what make sense but I think not ( not that it matters). The US military only with it's huge development efforts will keep US in the front of all key technological developments. Not to mention that eventually it all comes to physical power... which is layer 1 force, whereas economy is layer 1andahalf force. Or, is it that economy is overtaking military power as key survival factor even in the nuclear age?
Two new (2 me) brilliant beers...
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Fishing nets ... I wish somebody would have told us
For years and years and years (I guess about 35y?) we had basically the same set of fishing nets... and got very little fish from Alvajärvi. Well, Eku had heard from one of his friends that you should really renew the nets quite frequently - he did... and as a result we got really nice amounts of big siika, kuha and ahven. Maybe I should not only start reading manuals of new electronics but also guidebooks of different hobbies?
I have been reading Jared Diamond's "Collapse - how societies choose to fail or succeed" (Thanks Marja!)... fantastically interesting and fascinating book considering the depressive subject (and basically scientific approach). I started reading it during the Thessaloniki week - nice light holiday reading ;o). Many things look now "slightly" different. Approach to Helsinki makes you think how well we in Finland might be positioned in the changing world - our soil is in great shape, there's lot of it, no big sources of pollution, amazing amounts of water everywhere... and we have culture of taking care of our forests (which we have shitloads of). Comforting, as long as the Gulf stream keeps moving and the ice away from us ;o)
Btw, this particularly I did not find very "intelligent" way of advertising new bikes for children... pretty discusting:
Money ("Arvon mitta ja vaihdonväline" as Robotti Ruttunen from Rölli Peikko so well it put) has taken too often over the common sense in the world which after all has limited resources ... The people in Easter Island just kept building bigger statues when the collapsing of their environment was speeding up... we repeat the pattern?
Peer valuations... http://www.surfkeppler.de/ part II
Well and update for those who end up here looking for http://www.surfkeppler.de/ peer valuation... I did another order this summer (a new NS Silver mast, new NS boom, F2 stoke board, boardbag, North Power-XT 42 extension, extra fin, mastfoot, ...). All started well and the price was really great. It was so great that I actually double checked it over the email. I got confirmed that yep that is the price, and that the shipping is free too. Great! However, when they were shipping the gear I got emailed that "uups the boom was not priced and they either need to charge more for the price of the boom (good price I have to admit) or the cancel the shipment and return the money."
Well I paid more.
Shipment arrived fast. The gear was in perfect shape again except mast foot was missing (and to be honest the NS Power XT extension had few rather large scratches and does not really work as well as my earlier one (this one does not derig decently)). Missing mastfoot came fast over the email straight to the summer cottage.
So overall pretty good still...
First 2006 shipment: 10
Second 2009 shipment: 8.5
... and I will most likely buy again from them, but have to pay attention a bit more to deal making.
Lack of website findeability is a bummer ... www.stonero.com
I had wonderful week in Thessaloniki. During the week I watched people freeriding in the bay, and of course tried really hard to find rental windsurfing gear... with no luck. Google was helpless with the Greek windsurfing sites - all the search combinations just did not come up with anything readable.
Thanks to very helpful skateboard shop owner I managed to find out finally one store's exact name. The owner Thomas was very helpful after I got into contact with him. Unfortunately the weather was not as helpful ... but anyway if you plan to go the Thessaloniki and windsurf there, go to www.stonero.com (you won't find it by Google). Phone to store is 2310 901999.
The place where they most often windsurf and kitesurf is (as far as I understood) here 40.475093,22.824955 in Googlemaps. Hope this helps you who look for "Thessalonki windsurf rental" with no luck.
Btw, I was told not to windsurf in the bay in heavy winds since the waves are pushing lot of garbage is floating from the city shore and the is quite a risk for catapulting...
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
What can you say :o(
There's lot of talk about the necessity of raising the age of retirement so that our economy will survive the aging population.
Also, lot of talk how our youngsters should go to universities etc. immediately after high school and also graduate as fast as possible so that they can start producing income for the state.
Yet, at the same time for example the company employing most of Finnish engineers in practice states that if you have worked over 15years they pay over one year salary to get rid of you. (Noble generous offer I admit but very depressive in terms of human value base).
So, basically on the other we are very strongly told that we should be ready to work until we are about 70years old, but at the same time it seems that employers here want to desperately get rid of you when you are about 39years old (=18y+1y in army+4.5y for studies+15y work)? And since this is a cautious consensus society, not a single politician says a word about this. Not even when the hugely expensive education of these engineers is been fully paid by government, that is us all as tax payers.
I could go to Pihtipudas as pro fisher, but I don't really like fishing that much, nor lake fishes and actually there has not been too much to catch in Alvajärvi for many many years.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Close but not quite how you imagined it...
Buy a new big kite especially for light wind perfect untouched lake snow, open it up first thing in an early nice morning and find out that there is a hole in the kite.
Plan and buy a trip to what you think will be a windsurfing paradise, everything looks super cool from wind point of view... and spend 3-4 days looking at winds which blow nice and hard in about 500 unreachable meters away in the sea. If you try to get there you swim back. Get to kindly organized highwind excursion to flat water area and find yourself standing ashore and feel like little needles sticking your legs due to sand flying in 25m/s in gusts.
But not to complain but to learn about life in little lessons.
Sunday, February 01, 2009
Must stop-over near Joutsa
Kostamontie 17 19650 JOUTSA - very very nice!
Monday, January 19, 2009
eeehheheh.... http://lehti.samizdat.info/
"Rick Astley näki itsensä YouTubessa, maailmankaikkeus sortui sisäänpäin"
Rick Ast(h?)ley saw himself in Youtube, the whole universe collapsed
"Bush epäilee jättäneensä lieden päälle"
Bush suspects that he left the stove on
Then again, I'm tired.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Say No - it is great
"No thanks. Not interested." - what a wonderful & respectful response! Good straight forward fast "No" keeps thin...
Sort of tragicomic ? Since once we now start downscaling (in terms of fuel consumption) why not then really downscale (also in terms of our ...
Today I took Valtteri to kindegarden. He has now moved into a group of older kids soon starting their pre-school. Since they are "old...
There is an increasing debate and worry about how to keep the country competitive. Overall the discussions seem to be about flexibility of t...