The other day I met Ilkka (Tiainen) again in GE Healt care Village opening.
Few years ago I had a pleasure of working with Ilkka and his team.... they were building a service called (Speaking of perseverence, he still is - hooray!).
Epooq aims to enable the memorising of the life stories of our parents and their parents. At the time (I worked with Epooq) my mom was still alive. She was born 1921 in Sortavala (that part of Finland USSR stole from us). Mom had experienced an amazing change... the war, peace, "entrance" of cars/telecoms/computers, from poverty to modern society's amazing weatlh. An amazing amount of stories. Now all gone. Me uncapable to Ĺ•emeber and pass the stories and experiences onwards to my children. I wish I would have also undestood to use the service to let mom pass her stories on. I wish I would have done it also when dad was alive. Now pretty much all that passes his story onwards is few lines in the web about his professional career (and even that is now business to someone ...which sucks), but not about the war he fought in, not his chilhood's world, not stories with his & family friends ....
I wish Ilkka & team makes in one day (soon) and Epooq breaks through, and that others understand to use it to let their parents and grand parents to pass on their valuable stories.