Friday, May 27, 2011

Could be equally wealthy with local thanks to current technology?

Listening to YLE Radio1 morning .... political commentators making quite righteous comments about the election winner party Persut ("True Finns") are extremely populistic = over simplyfying complex questions and complex world. True. They are. That is so cheap.
But it make we wonder, why is world increasingly complex... even to us "common people" nowadays. Global free economy? Yep that is the root cause for all this massively increased complexity. It is however also of course the source of this increased wealth (at least western wealth).
Could we have close to similar wealth nowadays, with the help of the new technology, new global innovations, if we could go increasingly back to local? Would it be more sustainable because we would be more limited by what resources we have in "proximity"? Would it be less stressy because the competition would be concrete, not virtual, and limited by same resources? Would we all have work?

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Say No - it is great

"No thanks. Not interested." - what a wonderful & respectful response! Good straight forward fast "No" keeps thin...