Tuesday, March 26, 2013

...it did have a lot potential

I find my mind wandering frequently back to WidSets.com time... partially because of sort of bitterness of lost great work and opportunities, but mostly because I am puzzled how life is filled with moments defining greater "lines" of life.
In case of WidSets, in less omnipotent Nokia management era someone might have noticed the WidSets UI paradigm as a potential future and game changer, and tried developing it into new kind of native mobile UI. Like we the founders dreamed of.
WidSets actually had it all; ~totally user controlled canvas UI, tailored applications for using different services (eg we had Facebook app when they had only few M users), push for info changes, tools for UGC,  integrated appstore, in app advertising, ... all proven as correct conclusions for future mobile usage paradigm by Apple and Android...

The point? besides my obvious bitterness ;) ? The art is probably in noticing at least some of those "life line" defining moments personally, and acting according to their potential significance?

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Say No - it is great

"No thanks. Not interested." - what a wonderful & respectful response! Good straight forward fast "No" keeps thin...