Friday, September 16, 2011

Another proof of how things gone wrong...

The valuation of Rovio is expected reach Nokia... Zynga's valuation is between 10...20B€ with 235M revenue, 11.8M profit in a quartal.
How freaking far from real world economics?
Finance economy = 20 x real world economy keeps killing us...

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Sudden burst of mysteriously stupid Qs...

What’s going on in FB – some weird new spying scheme, spoofing user IDs, checking out viral effectivity???


Funny (=sad) proof of “cultural erosion” … about 50% of 70k people thinks the answer to 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1-1+1+1+1+1+1+1x0 =? is 0.

Posted via email from Tuomo's random thoughts and pictures

Don't do that RockMelt... loosing trust

I have been a pretty happy and also excited user of RockMelt for quite some time (almost from beginning?). It does integration of info/comms and browser in value adding way.
It was a bit scary to start using it by having to “give away” your social media accounts, first thing.  But I got over it – sort of a trust was created thanks to the value it added.
They do also frequently updates with no pre-warnings – pretty significant changes to functionality actually if I remember correctly. This is quite a bit different in their case compared to a “normal” browser, since they do integrate service experience deeply into browser – it’s not just the looks and speed that get’s updated.
Now the last attack update really first time seems to touch the service itself – RockMelt seems to remove functionality from Facebook page and integrate it to browser.
There goes familiar service user experience and comes browser depencecy.

There goes one RockMelt user back to good old Chrome….

Broken window theory and organizations... TISKIANTERO?

Had (as always) really fruitful strategy session with Sebastian... as a side track (among many things like usual) we discussed about Broken window theory. The discussion wondered from "how the theory is so true in office environment" to "does the theory apply to how project/customer driven organization's work". We agreed - it does. To both.

A whiteboard flower... lie Sebu so well it crystallized :D


Just visited Outi and saw the Xmas card from Vili .... I like the style, he is talented (is a proud dad saying) but should I be worried :D
As a side remark - what a HUGE difference between HTC 5Mpix and Nokia 5Mpix. Nokia had the pic quality of current HTC like 5y ago. 

Monday, June 06, 2011

Great beer... despite of the name

The name could not be worse... which is probably the purpose: Burger & Bun L.A. Lager by Mikkeller.
But fantastic flavour!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Soul of company

I believe companies have  a soul. It is a summary of the inspirations of it's employees and appreciation of these inspirations by employer.
Companies typically try to formulate this soul into "values". Unfortunately these will tend to inevitably turn against the good cause - "values" tend to amputate the soul because in people's minds and in everyday's management realities "values" turn into outgiven, externalised consultancy styled jargon. Companies make it even worse by enforcing these "values" in policies and in best practices ... which do not really go along with the term "soul".
For me what happened eg in Nokia is an example of this.... Nokia's soul was really drive for better solutions. I felt (in the 1990's) that this was practically every individual's primary agenda in the company - to solve things in the best possible way. Also, Nokia's real culture valued this greatly. "Solving" was encouraged and appreciated. Then it all changed - management was officially (eg by Mr. JT Berqvist) stated to be the "only scarce resource", "everything else (=everybody) is plentiful". 2000 was the start of the era where Nokia amputed it's soul, it's employees' spirit.... and it's competitiveness.
For me Apple's soul in the quest of mechanical and aesthetical perfection - they drive for it and excel in the markets.   

Kriek... always a small surprise after long break

OH .... it's red! but it is nice :D

Shower thinking ...

Friday early morning shower thoughts: "Man I wish it would be Saturday, and I could go windsurfing... sleep and chill."  "Hold on ............ am I really practically every day, even constantly, looking forward for something 1,2,3,... days ahead?" "I am." "I am soon 46y and time flies anyways way too fast.... gotta change this somehow"
One of the big human questions is starting to materialise itself to me - how to enjoy every moment of shortening life, how to make most of it without stressing? How to stay in the moment?

Could be equally wealthy with local thanks to current technology?

Listening to YLE Radio1 morning .... political commentators making quite righteous comments about the election winner party Persut ("True Finns") are extremely populistic = over simplyfying complex questions and complex world. True. They are. That is so cheap.
But it make we wonder, why is world increasingly complex... even to us "common people" nowadays. Global free economy? Yep that is the root cause for all this massively increased complexity. It is however also of course the source of this increased wealth (at least western wealth).
Could we have close to similar wealth nowadays, with the help of the new technology, new global innovations, if we could go increasingly back to local? Would it be more sustainable because we would be more limited by what resources we have in "proximity"? Would it be less stressy because the competition would be concrete, not virtual, and limited by same resources? Would we all have work?

Why we are loosing if this continues...

Work continues moving  to "cheaper countries", increasingly in terms of higher value jobs...  the significantly cheaper price of a working hour is always be mentioned as the reason for this. Looking around, hearing friends and relatives, having experienced myself, makes me wonder if there are couple of  other very important reasons....
1. pretty freaking horrid inefficiency that has been slowly (?) inbuild to our western corporate way of working through our "meeting culture". Massive amounts of meetings! That's what pretty much everybody seem to be having, constantly. And Individuals trying to manage their real work during evenings... which in turns slowly turns into de-facto burn-outs. Or at least constant lack of rest = ineffectivity in the long term.
I started working 1992 in Nokia, and in my own experience the big change started from working to "working"=meetings started after 2004 or so....
As a curiosity & sort of a proof of this can be seen in Nokia's Ruoholahti office - I guess it was designed around 2000 and each wing was planned to have 1 meeting room. I went there 2003 and left the site 2008 - during that time, 4 rooms were turned into new meeting rooms per wing - at they were constatly booked.
2. email has turned into as source of communicative chaos and burn-outer of human beings.... as it is now being used in many corporates, it is menace instead of usefull communicative tool. I bet it is a great source of inefficiency in the western working culture.
3. genuinely working community and common total end result (economical and sprititual) driven management has largely disappeared, and has been substituted by individual agendas only.

Sad. Hopefully the new working generation with it's emerging new values, will save the western competitiveness and wealth.

Chaplin's The Gold Rush and RSO....

The last Finlandia House "gig" of Radio Symphony Orchestra in May 26th .... Charlie Chaplin's music played by RSO for the original 1925 version of The Gold Rush. Fantastic - touching. Squeezed few tears in the end.
Pretty amazing how much more one co-live the movie when it's not having any sounds from the movie itself. I noticed myself jumping when Charlie had a hick-up.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Too good to be true?

Keeping my humble thumbs up that this would be real and go global fast..... sort of raises the faith again that we can solve things with engineering and not only cause them.

Pretty expensive

Pretty expensive beer :D   ...

Monday, May 16, 2011

"Tee todellisia löytöjä"....

Banner ad with a message: “Experience true findings” ... with a final touch (an arrow pulsating towards you know what).

Monday, May 09, 2011

Office building mania...

Been wondering that too.... for long time. Who needs all those new offices - everywhere?

Well said.... legendary Jaakko Kolmonen

"When then in 60's started this era of plentifulness and import mania, everything good (that had been build around Finnish home grown ingredients) was flushed down in few moments"

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Newspaper adapting to new world - The era of metal... and about gold

The Era of Metals is exactly the kind of stuff newspaper should be doing… interesting background for news. Hesari has been good in it for quite some time, and is getting better.

About gold – pretty interesting that there is a valuable and also very useful metal, and still it’s mostly just stored. Huge amounts of it in national bank reserves all over the globe. It is also one of the main metals in mining industry, so we use huge amounts of energy and effort to dig it out and refine it – just to be mainly stored.

Cars - that big meteorite of our time...

For Dinosauruses it took just one meteorite and few weeks? For us it took just 50-100 years and about a zillion cars?

Death of Western middle class....

Heikki Patomäki speaking in Hesari about death of Western middle class… slow one.  Evident however since this kind of wealth is not really sustainable?

Saturday, April 16, 2011

The reason for today's distress

Yesterday’s illnesses did a master reset for our weekend plans resulting a super relaxed Sunday morning session with Valtteri (having his Space Police-Gansta wars and speaking constantly), me listening to divine flow of notes (Das Wohltemperierte Klavier András Schiff – J.S. Bach: Das Wohltemperierte Klavier: Book 1, BWV 846-869 - Prelude in C sharp major BWV 848) and digging into Hesari’s I did not have time to read during then week.

Late Tony Judt: “The core reason for the distress of our time is that we have placed the pursuit of our individual material interests as virtue, which blurs our awareness of common goals”… exactly to the point.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

World build on a static model vs dynamic...

Had a really brain stimulating discussion again with Otto (as always) in Café Picnic…. One new observation worth of writing down:

Only for the last 20-30-40 years we (the “western” life style people) have been living according to sort of “static resources world model” – we assume that energy, water, warmth, all sorts of food and goods are available to us at any given time. The whole (business) world  seem to be actually build upon that demand. More such things are created for us every year. All the competition is around who delivers us the best/cheapest static supply.
Only for the last 20-30-40 years ago world had been based on “dynamic resources world model” – we consume what is “naturally” available at given time of the year, we have bright light when there is day, we buy goods when old ones are worn out….

Our top chefs are actually bringing the dynamic resources world back to food – they emphasize increasingly how we should cook according to our own natural year rotation, from local ingredients.
Solar and wind energy are examples of the same in technology.

Peculiar thought but instead of building ever bigger farms of servers to serve increasing static demand, could we go towards dynamic model eg by Sami Pekkola’s legendary “pick a number for internet service queue” idea – “Our service if powered with solar only - We will service you when resources are available”.

More seriously, looking forward in seeing more companies who make profitable business from being limited, sustainable, dynamic. Might also fit to emerging new work force’s philosophy “do work to able to live, not live for work”?

Socialistic Finland.... because of duopoly

An old thought came into my mind from last summer based on observing how absurdly food retail works outside of capital (and Turku, Tampere, Oulu) area in Finland.
K- and S-groups (having now about 80% of the market) have driven large parts of Finland practically to equivalent of old Soviet Union when it comes to food –  totally centralized “5 year planning” with no power for individual to effect  on supply and shortage of choices (the same everywhere, with not a single “drop” of locality). Centralized production, increasingly producing what people do not want, not really interested if the chain is really sustainable.

The food capitalists did it with “competition” and money what the communist did not manage force upon us :D

The ball is now in Evira and government to really enable the selling local food (all  stuff) and  let the competition start again.

Home laboratory observations leading to not voting for Kokoomus anymore beacuse of Henna Virkkunen...

There’s an increasing worry about the number of Finnish youth dropping out of “wagon” after compulsory schooling – no education, no jobs. I heard number 30 000 in the morning YLE1. I am not sure what the stats say but I believe that group is increasingly consisting of boys.
I have now seen how my two older boys have been going through the “new” course based upper comprehensive school (classes 7-9) instead of the old half year terms based schooling which I myself had. I can only say that I am convinced that the courses based system really has an impact to drive increasing number of boys to to “not experiencing success”-zone. Since all courses are counted for total grades, boys end up having lower grades since they mature later.
Now Henna (and/or the ladies in Opetuministeriö) seems to be showing boys the door by driving this development even further – there is less and less moments for pulling the act together.

Actually, I am not sure if anyone else has REALLY benefitted of this, except the school book publishers – are there REALLY sensible arguments why Otto’s and Vili’s (having a 3km distance between their schools) practically all schools books are different?? 2 x 6 x in average 120€ per year revenue for publishers yes…
(OK –Pisa results are great, but I think my (and previous) generation is doing quite OK with just one set of books).

Typical tuomobs but anyways simply beacuse of what Henna Virkkunen stands for, my vote goes this time to some other party.

I wish someone would turn the education “wagon” for more boys friendly direction, kill the current courses based system, kill the school book business, stop the evident/looming crisis when we have lots of young men not on board on the society.


So nice that businesses like Erottajan Suutari/Sinatron Oy still exists… 6 hours after fetching the beautifully repaired and polished (!) shoes, I still smile.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Really absolutely world class musician... great gig!

Why would I EVER vote these...?

Christina Gestrin, Soili Haverinen, Marika Niemi ... if these election candidates do give a shit about common & community  “rules” (eg do not attach any materials to community lighting systems), why would I ever vote for them. Typical “me first”-persons.

Say No - it is great

"No thanks. Not interested." - what a wonderful & respectful response! Good straight forward fast "No" keeps thin...